Megan Evans

Hello! I am Megan Evans, an undergraduate student at Bowling Green State University. I am studying computer science and information systems. My areas of interest include web development and artificial intelligence.

Picture of Megan


Author Portfolio Website

My largest project to date is creating an author portfolio website for my dad.

Amazon AWS Deepracer Competition Event

Learned to build and implement a reinforcement learning model


Excel MO200 certification

Certification badge

Programming Languages

C++: Intermediate level

Python: Beginner level

HTML: Beginner level

CSS: Beginner level

Artificial Intelligence Prompt Engineering

Worked extensively with multiple different generative AI models to achieve accurate results and maximize algorithm potential

Technical Experience

Bowling Green State University Student Support Services

On-campus high-level student device and printer support

NASA Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Shadow Experience

Spent a week shadowing different facility departments

Therma-Tru Shadowing Experience

Spent a week shadowing different facility departments

St. Mary Central Catholic High School Technology Aide

Assisted students and teachers with technology issues

Documented equipment in preparation for new computer lab

Performed various equipment setup and troubleshooting tasks

Utilized basic Python programming

Contact Info